Enterprise Resource Planning

WizERP, our customized ERP solution, allows you to extract the most out of the ERP with minimal integration time and minimal employee learning curve. We’ve broken down the solution into major modules and multiple sub-modules to make the development process faster and more manageable. WizERP is based on the most modern technology stack – powering…

Applicant Tracking System

Challenge A leading recruiting agency recruiting 1 million candidates every year from several countries with the help of agencies or on their own, needed an optimized solution for tracking the applicant status at various stages of hiring in compliant with the standards and checklist with an interactive interview process. Our Solution The developed cloud system…

Fleet Management System

Our Vision Fleet management software enables to accomplish a series of specific tasks in the management of any or all aspects relating to a fleet of vehicles operated by a company, government, or other organization. These specific tasks encompass all operations from vehicle acquisition through maintenance to disposal. We designed an approach to install each…

Inventory and Warehouse Management System

Our Solution A warehouse management system (WMS) is a software application, designed to support and optimize warehouse functionality and distribution centre management. These systems facilitate management in their daily planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling the utilization of available resources, to move and store materials into, within, and out of a warehouse, while supporting staff…

Customer Relationship Management

Our Solution Our CRM system helps the company stay connected with customers, streamline processes, and improve profitability. It organizes the information and gives you a complete record of individuals and companies, so you can better understand your relationship over time. The software improves customer relationship management by creating a 360° view of the customer, capturing…

Project Management System

Our Solution An online project management was designed with a single goal: to improve the speed and efficiency of work in both co-located and distributed groups. The service allows scheduling, prioritizing, discussing, and keeping track of both work and progress in real time — all with just a few clicks of the mouse. Impact Simple,…

Point of sales

Challenge Businesses often encounter various challenges with their point of sale (POS) systems, including technical glitches causing transaction delays, inventory discrepancies leading to stockouts or overstocking, and security vulnerabilities risking data breaches and fraud. Additionally, inadequate user training may result in errors during checkout, impacting customer satisfaction. One of the other challenge we faced, being…

Human Resource and Payroll Management

Challenges Human resource management requires a software system for several reasons. Firstly, it streamlines administrative tasks such as payroll processing, leave management, and employee record-keeping, saving time and reducing errors. Secondly, it facilitates communication between HR professionals and employees, allowing for easier access to information, policies, and updates. Thirdly, it enables data-driven decision-making by providing…

Intelligent Equipment Tracking System

Challenge Intelligent equipment tracking systems face several challenges, including interoperability issues with existing infrastructure and legacy systems, ensuring data security and privacy amid increasing cyber threats, maintaining accuracy and reliability of tracking data in dynamic environments, addressing scalability concerns to accommodate large volumes of equipment, and overcoming potential resistance to change among users accustomed to…

School Management System

Challenges School management systems encounter various challenges, including the need for continuous adaptation to evolving educational requirements and technological advancements, ensuring data accuracy and integrity while managing vast amounts of student and administrative information, addressing privacy and security concerns to protect sensitive data, fostering user acceptance and training to maximize system utilization and effectiveness, and…