Smart Gym


A popular gym serving at multiple location in the city required to have a mobile and web application that connects the trainers and members, fix fitness target, provide diet plan, schedule training and treatment sessions, online payment options, client feedback and employee management with access entry and attendance report.

Our Solution

Our team provided them with web and mobile application that can manage the members and provides periodical alerts on appointments and offers. We also provided them with a HR management system which had employee tracking for attendance, visa and other alerts. Also, the system had options for preparing invoices, payrolls and expense ledger.


The mobile application has significantly improved the clients’ involvement and enthusiasm in planning their activities according to their fitness target in exercise and diet plan and brought in more clients. Clients provide feedback for their trainers and therapists. This help with an easy evaluation of the employees. Automated email and SMS alerts for appointments, invoice and payment tracking were much received by the members and clients and it was easily accessible across multiple locations.